Building an Innovation Mindset

Innovatieblog nr. 16

Building an Innovation Mindset 

The prime source of the innovation power in any firm lies in the mind of its employees. When they are mentally prepared for discovering and realising new opportunities, the organisation will possess an enduring capacity to innovate. Below, Jeff Gaspersz highlights the small initiatives managers can take with a profound impact on developing an innovation mindset.

Published in The European Business Review (, October 2014

Lees mijn gehele artikel: Building an Innovation Mindset (


Lees eventueel ook mijn artikel in The European Business Review: The Search for Innovation Leadership (


Courtesy: The European Business Review

Photo credit: Pixabay

Prof. dr. Jeff Gaspersz is als hoogleraar innovatie verbonden aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Tevens is hij spreker en adviseur op het gebied van innovation management en business creativity.

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